Daemons in init
See systemd note for details on how to do this with systemd
A proper daemon would do a lot of work to make sure that it is the
only one running, to make sure that it forks and does all the proper
daemony things, but you can cheat a lot by using a program called
Simply write a regular program and make an init.d script that starts it and stops it like this
start-stop-daemon --start --exec python \
--startas /home/root/sampler/sampler.py \
--make-pid --pidfile /path/to/sampler.pid -b
The --start
tells it to start it, the --exec
option says that the program
that is started will be an instance of python (to find out what you should
put here, start your program normally, determine its PID (with ps
) and
do an
ls -l /proc/<pid>/exe
This will show you what is really being run (e.g. /usr/bin/python
The --startas
options tells it which command to run to start the process.
tells it to make a pid-file which it will use later on to see
if the process is still running. --pidfile
tells it where to put the pidfile
and -b
tells it to “background” the task.
To stop use
start-stop-daemon --stop --exec python --pidfile /path/to/sampler.pid
This process will ensure that only a single instance of your program is running
at any given time (it uses the PID file and the value of --exec
to know
whether or not your program is running).
Have a look at the example init.d
script that launches a python script
as a daemon